
Checking and Restarting a Modem

My ISP is less than reliable so I decided to automate my modem restarts. I’m using a Motorola SB6141 and I can access a web based interface at Using a combination of curl, grep, and sed, I was able to scrape the necessary pages to get information about the modem’s status. The script then checks the status and restarts the modem if it detects a fault. The script uses curl to GET a specific URL with the necessary parameters.

No Hassle Blog Automation - A New Hope

In this third installment of my No Hassle Blog Automation series, I remove the necessity for running any infrastructure of my own. Drone has been replaced with a hosted solution at CircleCI. Their support is amazing, and their circle.yml format made configuration easy. Take a look at the first and second installments of this series. Requirements There are a few requirements for this setup: Rackspace Cloud Account Cloud Files Container* Existing Pelican Blog GitHub Account * This container should be configured to serve a static site.

No Hassle Blog Automation Redux

Due to the difficulty in maintaining a full Jenkins instance, I have revisited the blog automation issue and have replaced Jenkins with Drone. Making use of a tool like Drone greatly simplifies the setup process and lowers the barrier of entry for this type of project. Requirements There are a few requirements for this setup: Rackspace Cloud Account Existing Pelican Blog GitHub Account Linux Administration Knowledge You should also read my original article.