
SA DevOps - Ansible and CloudFormation

MeetUp Link Slides

Ansible Certified Engineer

Today I was a guest on Rackspace Cloud Office Hours talking about my recent Ansible Certified Engineer certification. There is a great article on the Rackspace Blog with a Recap. Here is the recording of the Hangout:

Salting WebPageTest

My talk will be in the Audubon room on Wednesday, at 3:45 PM. Materials: Salt States in this GitHub repository. Slides can be found at this location. Here is the recording of my talk:

SA DevOps - Config Management Battle

MeetUp Link Slides

Speaking at SaltConf 2015

My talk has been accepted to SaltConf 2015 this year. I will be in Salt Lake City March 3rd through March 5th. I’ll be speaking about my experience deploying WebPageTest with SaltStack. We’ll talk about the benefits and gotchas of WebPageTest and SaltStack during this presentation. You’ll also see copious amounts of stateful PowerShell being used. If you have ever tried using Salt to managed Windows machines, this talk is certainly a must see!

SA DevOps - SaltStack

MeetUp Link Slides

SA DevOps - CI/CD with Drone and Docker

MeetUp Link Slides