
Strong Passwords are Easy with KeePassX

Strong passwords are important, today more than ever. Clever passwords like “Password123”, “hunter2”, and just the letter “a” just won’t cut it anymore. How can someone create strong passwords, use a different one for every account they have, and still remember them all? KeePassX is the answer. KeePassX KeePassX is a password database. It allows you to create an encrypted database file to hold all of your passwords. You unlock this database with a single master password.

Keeping your Files Safe with Dropbox

Everyone has a collection of documents and pictures that are important to them. Don’t make the mistake of not backing up these files. I keep all of my music, pictures, and important files in Dropbox. You receive 2 GB of storage free (plus a small bump of free space if you use my referral link.) Once you install Dropbox and choose your folder location, make sure you put all of your important files in the Dropbox Folder.